Spiller Associated Furniture Stores, Inc. is committed to protecting the privacy and security of your personal and financial information. This notice provides a detailed explanation of how we safeguard and use information.
We, our, and us means Spiller Associated Furniture Stores, Inc.
Safeguarding Information
Our employees are expected to respect the confidentiality of our customers. We have policies to ensure that your non-public information is protected and each employee is trained to understand these policies. We only disclose information pertaining to our customers for purposes related to our business. We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to guard your non-public information.
Collection of Information
During our normal day-to-day operations, we collect personal non-public information from:
• Your credit applications
• Your credit history with Spiller Associated Furniture Stores, Inc. and our affiliates
• Consumer reporting agencies, public record and data collection agencies
• From third parties to verify information you have supplied us
Disclosure of Information
We may share your personal information with other organizations or companies outside the Spiller Associated Furniture Stores, Inc. as required or permitted by law. Examples include:
• Service your account
• In response to a subpoena; or
• Protect against fraud
Opt Out Procedures
Please read the entire privacy policy so that you understand what information will be affected if you choose to opt out. If you have any questions about how we protect, collect and use information about your Spiller Associated Furniture Stores, Inc. account, please feel free to contact us in writing to the address below. If at any time we make a material change to our Privacy Policy, we will provide our current customers with a revised notice that describes our new practices. If you should decide to opt out, we require complete information regarding your account(s). Please give us your name, address, telephone number, and the store location and account number for each account to be excluded. If you have move or changed your name since you opened your account, we also need your old address and former telephone numbers associated with each of these accounts. Opt out requests cannot be handled by telephone or at our stores. Mail your complete information, including your signature in a stamped envelope, addressed to:
Spiller Furniture Company
Opt-Out Administrator
P.O. Box 020824
Tuscaloosa, AL 35402